Well rescue...It's a long way down!
This poor guy had been howling for two days. Then gave up in despair. We got to him on day three....See the next two photos for full story.
Well rescue...Tucking him in.
Well rescue...Ahh!!!
Blessings to you Dear One. May you be guided and protected. May you have a good life.
It's a special feeling.
Those who leave our shelter say they leave with a heart full of love. It really is contagious, demonstrative love. Come and see for yourself.
Leslie hard at work.
This is a moving 10 minute video of takes within the Shelter. Those that have viewed it, loved it.
This is a 20 minute video of how we came to be. It is Ken Dunn's best piece of work in which he so movingly tells the story of our begining.
A poster for the Shelter
Here's an older poster we printed to post in and around
Another poster.
A face only a mother (and everyone here) could love.