Some of our dear ones on the veranda.
This little girl was hit by a rickshaw. Only a month old. Her tiny back was broken and she was paralyzed.
Dr. Raja gave her steroid injections directly into the spine. Neurobion injections for nutrition. Good food. A lot of love from the Staff. Gentle massage.
The video tells the tale ...
Blessings. Blessings. Blessings.
Placing the IVThis sweetie was only three months old. A girl. She was brought in semi-conscious in a state of severe shock. She had been hit by a car. No external injuries. All internal.
Dr.Raja immediately gave her a steroid for the shock. Then an I.V. with a painkiller, neurobion for nutrition, and a medication to stop the internal bleeding.
She was on the examination table for only fifteen minutes. The two compassionate young men who brought her in were standing nearby, watching.
She was semi-conscious throughout. Got Dr. Raja’s reassuring, loving care. Gently stroked and kissed. Mantras said softly in her ear.
Slowly she faded. At some point Dr. Raja started massaging her heart to restart respiration. Unsuccessful. He then took a needle to an acupuncture point on the nose to restart respiration.
Our little girl was gone.
She was then dressed lovingly for burial---cum cum, sacred ash, flowers, and two photos of Ramana Maharshi that had been through a sacred puja at the ashram.
She was put on the Tibetan Buddhist Red Tara prayer list. Before dawn, each day for 49 days, protective and guiding energy will be sent to her soul…Red Tara is the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess of Compassion.
Safe, safe journey, sweet girl.
After operationThis poor baby was brought in by the owner. She was only 1½ months old and had been attacked by an adult dog who almost killed her. She had two very bad bite wounds. Was in a lot of pain. And only semi-conscious.
Her situation was critical. Dr.Raja performed emergency surgery. It wasn’t until he went inside to clean her stomach with an anti-biotic saline solution that he saw that one of her kidneys was severely damaged. He removed it. The operation took 1½ hours.
As you can see from the video she was a very joyful pup.
Loves to play with puppies and staff.
We kept her ten days, then released her to the owner.
Om Namah Shivaya.
May all beings be blessed.
A nearby shopkeeper called the Shelter. Vishwa went out. The water in the well was completely covered with trash. It looks like a solid bottom. But it’s not. Actually deep water. The mother was almost hysterical. The baby again and again tried to make it up the side.
Mom. Almost hysterical. | Baby. Can't get out. | Keeps moving away from Vishua |
Vishwa descended on a rope. But the baby kept moving away from him.
Then he gave the order to lower a bucket on a rope. Yes. Yes. Yes. The video tells the story.
May all beings benefit.
May all move towards compassionate understanding.
May all be blessed with wisdom.