....We welcome you all with all our Heart....
Shelter Statistics (thru June 2016)
Emergency Rescues..................3,652 |
Dogs Sterilized..........................6,296 |
Anti-Rabies Injections............11,933 |
Clinic Visits.............................36,108 |
InPatient Treatments...........102,548 |
Non Dogs Treated.....................3,259 |
Animal Adoptions........................844 |
....And now to Heart....
Our Founder speaking about the special Heart flows that infuse the running of our Shelter..............This is a 3 1/2 minute video of bits taken from an interview of Leslie done several years ago. In it he discusses some of the different, esoteric ideas that are the fabric of our Shelter................It opens where he’s talking about Bach Flower remedies, a homeopathic flower essence that is able to treat feelings…Right, I said feelings…I didn’t believe it either when I first heard about them twenty or thirty years ago. They're an incredibly powerful tool in the hands of a clinician.
....Several video snippets....
Grand opening.
Our grand opening was the beginning of the end of much suffering in Tiruvannamalai.
This is our beloved Shelter.
We're located in Southern India. Our core discipline is demonstrative love. The Voiceless Ones run free, are cared for by a devoted staff, and are happy. The energy inside is soft and spacious.
The Holy Mountain Arunachala.
Tiruvannamalai is one of the most sacred pilgrimage places in all of India. At the heart of Tiru is Arunachala, worshipped for thousands of years and believed to be the very Heart of Shiva.
The walkway in the garden.
Somehow, looking at this photo always gives me a warm feeling.
Look at the elegant beauty in her face.
Her skin disease is serious. She has both mange and a fungal infection. But you can see the hairs starting to return. Within 1 1/2 months her coat will be full and beautiful...Blessings to her.
Another spinal Injury ... before
This little dear was an “owner puppy”. He was six weeks old. He had been hit by a vehicle. The owner brought him to the clinic. His back was broken, and his face was swollen. Spinal injuries are common here where dogs and vehicles share the streets.
Spinal Injury ... after.
Massage, meds and lots of love are incredibly powerful.
It really is a Heart thing.
You can see it in their faces, both the dogs AND the humans.
It's called joy.