Warriors three...Prema. Hari. Denise.
Their presence on the Planet. Their strength. Their courage...Lifts vast amounts of suffering from the Animal Realm...And provides ongoing support and power for the Shelter, whenever it is needed...
Their presence on the Planet. Their strength. Their courage...Lifts vast amounts of suffering from the Animal Realm...And provides ongoing support and power for the Shelter, whenever it is needed...
Believe it or not it gets cold here on a winter's night.
Thippo is eight months old and he's a Rottweiler. He fell
from a second story window, and his owner brought him
60 kms. in a hired car to have Dr. Raja treat him. He was
with us 1 1/2 months.
It's amazing to see Dr. Raja give injections. He's a PureHeart. They don't even feel it...I told him, nevertheless, I still wouldn't let him do brain surgery on me.
We have every shape, size, color, temperament you can imagine. And we love them all.
Ok, I'm not exactly a super model but check me out in a few months. I'm actually rather attractive with my coat back on.
The entire Staff is very,very good to animals. We have five PureHearts. Their vibration and love is so pure animals know immediately. When we have a troubled guy, we bring in one of our PureHearts.