
Shelter News - October 2015


Young puppy with broken back that will walk again.

He’s about two months old. Was paralyzed at the beginning. But he’s going to make it back…Love…Spinal injections…Massage…And more love.

The four videos show his “safe” convalescent spot between his puppy-friend and the sweet lab-mix adult who lets him snuggle.

In this first video, supervisor Raja is coaxing him to move his back legs.

Come, come little guy.

In this video he’s standing on all four with Raja still encouraging.

That's s-o-o good.

This one shows him nestled against his adult protector.

Me and my Protector.

And, now, he’s using his protector to stay propped up.

He's a real support for me.

You’re doing beautifully little guy. You’re going to make it all the way back. And have a very good life.

May all beings benefit...We’re so glad you made it to us...With love, "The Guys.”

Shelter Statistics

as of 03/2022
Rescues 8,094
Dogs Sterilized 8,687
Anti-Rabies Injections 20,309
Clinic Visits 78,559
In-Patient Treatments 214,595
Non-Dogs Treated 9,058
Animal Adoptions 1,447