This little girl is still paralysed hereShe was just a little girl when we got her. A month and a half old. She’d been hit by an autorickshaw. Back broken. Unable to move the back part of her body. Otherwise she was in good health. So either she’d been close to her mother or someone had been feeding her.
Dr.Raja gave her a steroid injection in the spine as an anti-inflammatory, neurobion (for nutrition) and anti-biotic injections intra-muscularly. Kept her in Intensive Care for the first two days. Then moved her onto a cushion in the clinic where she’d be near a lot of the action and snuggling puppies.
The spinal injections stopped after three days. Then gentle, gentle massages. A lot of love. Chants playing. And blessing of blessings, after three weeks she started standing and moving a little. She was steadily improving…..
But…Then she got pneumonia. And respiratory infections are very serious in puppies. We moved her to the operating theatre, which is warmer and more protected than the other rooms. Vishwa put two puppies in with her, and had Ramesh give her a lot of loving and holding for the first four days….Slowly. Slowly. She got beyond it. Death was an ever present possibility. After a month Dr.Raja thought she was stabilized enough to be put on the veranda with the other dogs and puppies. She doesn’t have an outstanding favorite but especially likes Vishwa, Supervisor Raja, and Ramesh. But she doesn’t particularly care for Leslie.
As you can see in the final video…She’s now just one of the guys. Loving. Playful. A little mischievous. Anyone seeing her would never guess her history.
Dear, dear Pujabai. How good you make us feel. Vishwa will find a loving home for you, and you’ll have a happy life.
May all Beings benefit.