Broken spiritLeslie was riding down one of the sidestreets in the main part of town. About 11pm. He saw her slinking along the wall. Frightened. Looking not much larger than a rat. Hair filthy. Matted down. Tried to get her with food. But she didn’t respond. Seemed to respond to nothing. Almost dead, inside. Followed her for a half hour but couldn’t catch her. Called Vishwa who got there about midnight. They followed her for another half hour. Finally, Vishwa had to run her down. She was yelping and frightened.
Put her in one of the cubicles in Intensive Care. She was frightened. Of everything. She faced the wall. Stayed in a corner trying to be invisible. Gave her a lot of special attention. Pure Heart Ramesh at night. Pure Heart Supervisor Raja during the day. She started relaxing. A little. Decided to give her a bath and put her on the veranda to be with the other puppies and dogs. Unfortunately the first photo we have is after the bath. Unbelievable what she looked like before…She started doing pretty well on the veranda. But with the strong support of Pure Hearts Sekar and Raja. At the very beginning she took to hiding under the phone stand. Staying close to the wall. Or in the clinic under the stand where Dr.Raja keeps his notes.
Now it’s so uplifting to behold. She’s very happy with Staff, and dogs. But prefers Staff. In particular Raja. Yes. Especially Raja. She adores him. And…He loves her back. Calls her his daughter.
What a joy to have you here.
Welcome to the world, dear Leela!
With love, from All of Us.