On the road to recovery.Mani found Mira lying on the side of the road near the Shelter. The poor baby was only four years old. She was post-distemper. Twitching. Unable to open her mouth. Starving. And near death. She was an “owner dog” who had probably been abandoned. Lying there. Alone. Having lost everything. Weak. Not understanding. Frightened.
Dr.Raja started giving her i.v.’s with neurobion for nutrition, a liver booster and antiibiotics. Vishwa had the staff giving her a lot of loving. And on the second day by attaching a thin rubber tube to an i.v. syringe that he could push into her mouth he was able to start getting a little milk on her tongue in increasing amounts which she swallowed.
At the beginning, she was put in a large retaining cage that didn’t have a lot of direct sunlight, and only one other post-distemper dog there. But neither of them could walk and they were both almost “mutedly conscious”. On the fourth day Leslie went in. Spent time lying with each of them. Holding. Kissing. Softly saying mantras. And telling them he loved them. Their energy picked up so we decided they should be moved into the clinic on cushions. Where there was a lot of light. And puppies to snuggle them and lie close.
On the second day in the clinic Mira started standing (she had been lying on her side and not moving around). Her twitching decreased in intensity. And Vishwa very, very gently was massaging her frozen jaws. She began to open them a little. Started drinking a few ounces of milk from a bowl. And was able to take little bits of food.
Also on the second day, she got her first bath and Vishwa gave her a haircut. She looked a zillion percent better. And it was as though vanity precipitated a change in her personality, and she started to move in a totally different manner.
Now this sweet girl moves around with the others. Is affectionate.
But she is so fierce around food and milk if any of the other guys get near her bowl, that we feed her in the closet with the door closed. (Watch the video where she takes control of three bowls).
So good to have you back dear Mira. Welcome to Life.
May all beings benefit!