
Shelter News - May 2015


Recently born baby could't walk

This baby was about a week old. He was born with an incomplete formation of his joint.

                                                                                          Only a baby

Dr.Raja operated. Lasted two hours. He cut a contracted tendon, and he removed the joint capsules (bone covering) which allowed him to straighten the leg. It would be stiff but he’d be able to use it for walking. It was the difference between life and death for him.

8BThank God, he can have a life.

He was brought back ten times. Every third day for the first two weeks. Then weekly for four weeks. The recovery was not one hundred percent. He could use it, but limped.

Blessings. Blessings, Little One.                                                                                                                                                                   With love.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Om Namah Shivaya.

Shelter Statistics

as of 03/2022
Rescues 8,094
Dogs Sterilized 8,687
Anti-Rabies Injections 20,309
Clinic Visits 78,559
In-Patient Treatments 214,595
Non-Dogs Treated 9,058
Animal Adoptions 1,447