Rescue of dog from Chennai, 4 ½ hours away
I’m taking a different approach on this story. This involves the treatment of a dog from Chennai that was rescued by a devoted animal lover there who brought him to us by car. I’m going to start with edited exchanges of the emails between us.
- April 4th, 1:50pm...Dear Leslie: There's a homeless dog in the neighbourhood. Used to be strong and healthy. Started getting thin and sluggish 15 days back. Went missing for a week and showed up yesterday. I took him to a vet who treated him for severe maggot infestation, and advised post treatment care. So far. So good.
Left him in his usual place yesterday night under care of building watchman. But he was gone today. Watchman dropped him in area 5 km away. Went to the place and searched in vain for two hours.
I am writing this because I don't know what else to do. I'm deeply saddened. Do you have any advice?
- April 4th, 2;29pm...Dear Ghurhu: I always go to Vishwa to find out things like this. He said the best times to look for him are at night when it's dark, maybe about 7p to 9p...And before sunrise about 4 or 4;30am...You can walk around calling his name. If you got another person he knows, both of you can go.
- April 5th, 7am...I just found him Leslie...The 7 to 9pm didn't work. The 4am trick worked like a charm.
- April 5th, 7:09am...Please don't think I'm dumping him on you, because I am not...The problem is his maggot infestation. He's being chased away because of the smell. If he's cured then no problem. So right now he needs shelter and treatment. I will bear as much cost as I can for his lodging/treatment. (Note: Treatment and lodging are free. But he has to pay for transportation to Tiru and back to Chennai.) But once he's cured I assure you I will personally come and take him back to Chennai. Right now, he's unsafe and shelterless.
- April 5th, 8:20am...(At this point I sent an email to Margot in Australia telling her the story)....Dear Margot: Had this exchange yesterday with Ghurhu. You might know of him. He's a beautiful, beautiful lover of dogs. Three or four times in the past he's brought creatures to us. He lives in Chennai, 4 1/2 hours away. When he has to hire a car it costs him about 4000 rupees, probably 30 or 40 percent of his monthly earnings. Once he and his mother brought a puppy on the bus. A sick puppy. Just to have a chance of saving him. By bus it takes longer. Probably a ten hour round trip.
- April 5th, 8:31am...(Margot responds)...Dear Leslie: I feel like I know Ghurhu. So many times his name crops up doing something heartbreakingly beautiful for a dog or puppy. The man is pure love...We mention him in the book when we talk about Anjali's story. He has to be there. (Note: And so Ghurhu did bring him to us on April 5th. He was with us a month. Ghurhu picked him up for his return home to Chennai on May 24th. The last two emails informing him that Valathambady was ready to go are below. The tale in photos and videos follows.)
- May 7th, 8:57pm...(Back to Ghurhu)...Hi Leslie, how is the big guy doing? I remember my promise and would like to stick to it. Let me know how things are with him.
- May 7th, 9:49pm ...Hi Ghurhu...Just spoke to Vishwa. The maggot wound is healed. His skin problem is gone. His energy is good. And he'll be very glad to see you and go "home"....Lji
And so Valathambady and Ghurhu arrive.
He’s an amazingly secure fellow. Remember he just had a 4 ½ hour ride from Chennai. He’s never been in a car before. He’s totally away from everything he knows. And is in a strange place with strange people. And he is just comfortably eating.
What a brave boy.
Animals are so surrendered to Dr. Raja. I love watching him examine a creature—how nonchalantly he checks his skin, looks inside his ear, and examines his maggot wound. (He’ll get a more thorough examination after he’s settled in a little.)
Dr. Raja's magic touch.
This is a shot of the maggot wound. (The Chennai vet did a good job of eliminating most of the maggots.) The second photo is of it, partially healed.
This is taken a month later, a few days before Ghurhu picked him up. His coat is beautiful. And you get a quick view of the completely healed maggot wound when Dr. Raja lifts his tail.
Ready to go. Coat beautiful. Wound healed.
This next one, taken about the same time, just shows how happy he is.
He's really happy.
This last video was taken when Ghurhu picked him up. You can hear me asking Ghurhu if he thinks Valathambady is happy to see him. And we’re joking around a little. Because Ghurhu has to re-acquaint himself.
Dear Ghurhu. Re-acquainting himself.
Om Namah Shivaya... Dear Valathambady, you’re blessed with a guardian angel... It was very nice having you with us... Our prayer is that you be guided and protected... With love, From all of us.