The incredible magic of Feeding
Last month I talked about the joy and life in the Voiceless Ones as they Played and romped. The unrepressed joy of the disabled ones as they joined in. The Heart warmth one got from watching them. Truly amazing that they have such “alive”, lives.
But it’s in the Feeding that each time I’m present, I see the unfolding of a miracle. These are all pups or homeless dogs who have dealt with who knows what injustices and cruelties in their lives. And certainly, many have dealt with hunger. It amazes me to see all of them fed together, almost all hungry, with such stunningly few conflicts. One would expect a riot…Open warfare…Greed…Territoriality…Fear of being deprived.
It’s the deep trusting…The security of getting theirs…Of their relationship with each other…Of letting others get theirs before them…Of the surety that the Staff, the ones who look after them, who care for them, who express love…will give them theirs……..I don’t really know…These are fragments thrown in the direction of the complexity that’s manifesting in this miracle…The miracle of them overcoming their primal survival instincts. Of not pushing and fighting to get their food…It’s the definitive assertion that they feel …Safe…Cared for…And loved…
Be aware in some of the videos you can see that the strongest are not pushing forward to take their food first.
I have never, never seen anything like this…It’s the energy…The quietness…The Grace…
This first video is of an uneventful feeding. Nothing extraordinary. At least, seems ordinary, unless you keep in mind what would happen if you tried to feed only five dogs all together…All of whom were hungry…And all didn’t get their food at the same time.
An uneventful feeding. Bless them.
In this second video PureHeart Sekar is feeding some Furry Ones with the puppies watching on the other side of the divider. Supervisor Raja picks up an extra bowl and puts it down for the pups. Then one pup, over enthusiastic, wants it all to himself. Raja picks him up and plops him in with the Big Guys…He does fine. But my guess is that he’d fight off Godzilla to have the bowl to himself.
One pup is really enthusiastic.
This is a shot in the Garden area…All Big Guys…No pups…No disabled…Our Staff is simply terrific at the feeding. It wouldn’t happen as it does if they weren’t very, very present and aware.
The Garden Guys.
I’ve included this video because it shows this clearly disabled guy moving in to get his food. Which he gets without having to push or fight. And that when he gets it no one tries to move in to take it from him. But he’s left to eat in peace.
Really touching.
This is a shot of a guy who apparently doesn’t like crowds and lays back to wait for his food…Which he then eats in peace…Can picture him going into a restaurant and saying to the Maitre d’, “Table for one, please.”
Table for one, please.
And this one is our beloved, Mira…Quotes from the November 2014 newsletter:
- Mani found Mira lying on the side of the road near the Shelter. The poor baby was only four years old. She was post-distemper. Twitching. Unable to open her mouth. Starving. And near death. She was an “owner dog” who had probably been abandoned. Lying there. Alone. Having lost everything. Weak. Not understanding. Frightened.
- Now this sweet girl moves around with the others. Is affectionate and has friends.
- But she is so fierce around food and milk if any of the other guys get near her bowl…that we now feed her in the closet with the door closed.
- In the video, before her “closet period”, you can see her taking control of three bowls…Dear, dear Mira
Beloved Mira. She'd control all bowls, if she could.
These three videos are just miscellaneous snippets…Mani feeding a puppy with an injured back…Three pups off by themselves eating alone…And one pup, for whatever reason, dining separately..
Dear Mani.
Om Namah Shivaya…Joy to the World…Thank you dear Beloveds…Thank you, God.